The Air and Space Power Centre develops strategic thinkers who inform policy and decision making on Air and Space Power's future shape, structure and employment by the Joint Force. Discover Contribute Listen to the latest episodes of our podcast Hangar 46 Air/Space The Air/Space Blog creates conversation and provides insight into talking points, topical challenges, and opportunities from a range of authors with an interest in air and space power, and strategic planning. Publications The Air and Space Power Centre commissions, publishes and discusses a range of publications aimed at generating new thinking for a range of challenges Australia, Defence and Air Force faces now and will face in the future. Seminars The Air and Space Power Centre runs a number of informative and engaging events throughout the year, and is responsible for the biennial Air and Space Power Conference and Chief of Air Force Symposium. Writing Competition Submission Portal Submit your entry to the Corporal Margaret Clarke Award or Wrigley Prize. For more information including Terms & Conditions, please visit the Contribute page.