Should maintenance of public support be a principle of war?
What are the current 10 ADF Principles or war?
1 - Selection and maintenance of the aim Identify strategic, operational and tactical objectives and ensure that military plans at all levels remain focused on achieving them
2 - Concentration of force Apply superior military force or combat power at the right place, at the right time, and in such a way as to achieve a positive and decisive result.
3 - Cooperation Establish close cooperation between the Services, as well as with the broader Australian community, allies and partners, as this is vital to success in war.
4 - Offensive action Undertake actions to gain and retain the initiative, as this is essential to achieving ultimate victory.
5 - Security Ensure that friendly forces are able to operate effectively with minimal interference from the adversary and deny the adversary freedom of action.
6 - Surprise Seize the initiative, disrupt the adversary’s decision and action cycle, and create results disproportionate to effort expended by acting in ways unexpected by the adversary.
7 - Flexibility Adapt to the evolving situation to counter changed or unforeseen circumstances, deal with setbacks, or capitalise on unexpected opportunities.
8 - Economy of Effort Allocate national and defence resources prudently, control the expenditure of effort, and strike the right balance between offence and defence to achieve the desired results.
9 - Sustainment To implement strategies and operational plans effectively, operations must be sustained for the desired duration, including the necessary support arrangements, logistics and personnel aspects
10 - Morale Maintain a positive mental state that is an embodiment of the national will to resist aggression and coercion.