Defence Strategic Review: Air Force Reserve Workforce Targeted Reengagement
Defence Strategic Review: Air Force Reserve Workforce Targeted Reengagement
Shane Ivimey
Australian Defence Force
Defence Strategic Review: Air Force Reserve Workforce Targeted Reengagement
Shane Ivimey
Australian Defence Force
The RAAF's Frozen Middle Part Two
Dylan Williamson
Australian Defence Force
Is the Australian Society Ready for Mass information Warfare?
Elliot Parker
Australian Defence Force
Living and Thriving Under Ambiguity
Luke Houghton and Jennifer Loy
Griffith University
Turning the Tap Off - Stopping the Flow of Pointless Jobs in the RAAF
Daniel Cook
Australian Defence Force
Education is highly valued in the Air Force, with the acquisition of highly specialised skills and expertise being an integral component of one's career progression. Training comes in various forms, including mandatory, specialist, on-the-job, and professional military education. In addition to these forms of training, members of the Air Force have access to opportunities for scholarship, where they can apply for graduate programs at Masters and PhD level through civilian universities. These programs afford individuals the chance to focus on a particular "problem" for Defence, dedicating an extended period of time to research and scholarship.
Is The RAAF Seeking Combat Effectiveness
Daniel Cook
Australian Defence Force
Stick with me now—we are nearly there! For those of you still with me, welcome back.
It is a relatively common trend that solving an organisational strategic issue reveals another.
With the implementation of digital technology, came the resistance to change and
implementing change agents brought about the awareness of having a safe-to-fail culture.