This work investigates whether the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) organizational structure is fit-for-purpose to raise, train and sustain a modern, world-class small air force capable of networked and integrated, joint and combined operations in 2021 and beyond. The author uses a combination of quantitative data analysis and case studies to conclude that the current RAAF organizational structure is top-heavy, unbalanced and too compartmentalized. This results in stove piped training, which inhibits high-end, networked and integrated joint collective training.

The author compares contemporary strategic guidance to how the RAAF currently conducts force generation (FORGEN) training and concludes that among other sources of friction and tension, the current RAAF organizational structure is the single biggest inhibitor to the RAAF producing combat effectiveness. Then, using five case studies of four air force and one army organizational structure, the author demonstrates that, despite hundreds of years of cumulative service experience, there is no single panacea or silver-bullet to organizational change. Next, the author addresses some of the difficulties associated with organizational inertia and other inhibitors to organizational change. Finally, the author provides some near-term and longer-term recommendations for organizational change.