As Air Force starts it's second century of operation, so too has the entity charged with thinking about air power been reborn. The addition of the space domain to Chief of Air Force's remit means the way we think about space power must evolve to support national intent and the manner in which the Australian Defence Organisation approaches delivering security in the space domain.*

Hence, in December 2020, the Air and Space Power Centre was launched.

Pathway to the Stars outlines how ASPC will position itself and commence delivery of the directed mission during the formative years through Initial, and then Final Operating Capability. Pathway will also demonstrate how key constituents can engage with, and contribute to, the air and space power discourse. Open, transparent, respectful and insightful debate is a cornerstone to diverse thought leading to a better understanding and application of air and space power.

We hope you take the time to read through Pathway, and seek to understand why the work we do is important and how you can contribute to, consume, and offer a contest of ideas in the air and space power debate.

*Note: With the release of the Defence Strategic Review in 2023, the space domain has been moved as an addition to the Chief of Joint Capabilities Group's remit.