Air power throughout the world, and perhaps particularly in this country, has been frequently undervalued and frequently misunderstood. As the proceedings presented in this volume show, the conference made a significant contribution towards redressing that situation. If we are to meet our obligations as professional airmen, we must continue to question, examine and restate our fundamental beliefs. Again, I believe these proceedings will assist that process. They represent an enduring record for future generations of students of this most complex and critical element of national security.
Opening Address
His Excellency the Honourable Bill Hayden
Keynote Address
Senator the Honourable Robert Ray
The Essential Place of Air Power in an Uncertain 21st Century
Air Marshal R.G. Funnell
Air Power as History: Looking Backwards to Looking Forward
Associate Professor John McCarthy
Air Power in the Regional Balance: Maintaining the Peace in South East Asia
Professor Desmond Ball
Current Doctrine Development Panel One:
Group Captain B.J. Espeland,
Group Captain A.G.B. Vallance,
Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Westenhoff
United States Air Power lnbound to the 21st Century
Lieutenant General Charles G. Boyd
Air Power in Europe: Future Complexities
Air Vice-Marshal R.A. Mason
Into the 21st Century - Smaller or Larger Air Power: A Regional View
Air Commodore Jasjit Singh
Independence or Alliance - A View of Regionalism and its Influence on Air Power
Brigadier General Soedibyo
Trends in Air Power: New Systems, Old Platforms?
Dr Benjamin S. Lambeth
Use of Air Power: Needs and Expectations Panel Two:
Air Vice-Marshal I.B. Gration.
Rear Admiral K.A. Doolan,
Major General M.P. Blake
Power in the Air
Professor Geoffrey Blainey
Air Power in the Maritime Environment: A Surface Perspective
Commodore W.S.G. Bateman
Air Power in the Air|Land Environment
Brigadier P.L. McGuinness
The Use of the Military in Times of Deep Peace Panel Three:
Dr Ross Babbage,
Air Marshal S.D. Evans.
Air Vice-Marshal R.A. Mason