The RAAF air power education program was implemented in Jul92. It has three levels. First, a formal education program set within the education and training context; second, input at unit level through largely informal means; and finally, input to the Defence organisation, the wider community and regional nations. Considerable resources have so far been expended on the RAAF air power education program but few, if any, performance measures are in place to assess whether those resources are being effectively and efficiently employed.

The Study

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the RAAF air power education system. To achieve this aim a rigorous research methodology was applied, using data from six broad sources. These were instructors, graduates, supervisors, commanders, non-RAAF personnel (Army, Navy, the Defence organisation and the wider community), and training records from each of the relevant training schools. Over 450 personnel were either surveyed or interviewed as part of the study.