April 2021 Air and Space Power Seminar
The Director and Warrant Officer of the Air and Space Power Centre sit down to discuss all the ways things have and continue to change within the Centre, and importantly the ways and means people interested in the future of Air and Space Power in the Australian context can consume, contribute and contest.
Group Captain Jason Baldock

Warrant Officer David Turnbull
WOFF David Turnbull enlisted into the Air Force in 1989, graduating from No 43 Engineering Trade Apprentice Armament Fitter Course in Sep 1990. From 1990 to 2008 WOFF Turnbull was employed in F/A-18 Hornet Maintenance positions across 75, 77 and 3SQN, completing his Hornet time as the 3SQN Armament Section Head. Following this, WOFF Turnbull was employed within CASG where he completed various acquisition and sustainment project postings. WOFF Turnbull subsequently moved to AFHQ in 2018 as Staff Officer Force Protection within DGACE-AF. Warrant Officer Turnbull was selected for and completed Australian Command and Staff Course in 2020, and took up his current position of ASPC WOFF in Jan 2021.
WOFF Turnbull holds a Bachelor of Administrative Leadership degree through the University of New England (2010), Master of Business degree through ADFA (2012), and Master of Military and Defence Studies degree through the Australian National University (2020).