Items related to:
Effects-Based Targeting: The Future of Targeting for the Royal Australian Air Force
This publication is out of print.
The India-Australia bond and its impact on the Indo-Pacific
For several decades, the relationship between Australia and India seemed limited to Commonwealth, cricket and curry.
Future ADF pilot training - virtual versus augmented reality
Train like we fight, fight like we train.
Defence Strategic Review: Air Force Reserve Workforce Targeted Reengagement
Defence Strategic Review: Air Force Reserve Workforce Targeted Reengagement
Shane Ivimey
Australian Defence Force
How well does the workforce understand Air Force’s contribution to national power?
Effective realisation of national power in support of Australia’s national interests requires all Aviators to have a clear understanding of their c
Does the Law Really Matter? The Role of the Law of Armed Conflict in Contemporary Air Operations
The RAAF’s Fundamental Business: An Evaluation of RAAF Air Power Education
Considerable resources have so far been expended on the RAAF air power education program but few, if any, performance measures are in place to assess whether those resources are being effectively and efficiently employed.
Smart Manufacture in the RAAF
All three Services of the Australian Defence Force plan to add additive manufacturing capabilities and capacity across their existing operations.
The RAAF's Frozen Middle
It is a relatively common trend that solving an organisational strategic issue reveals another.
With the implementation of digital technology, came the resistance to change and
implementing change agents brought about the awareness of having a safe-to-fail culture.