China's Enduring Grey Zone Challenge
China's current and evolving grey zone activities in the South China Sea, the East China Sea and Ladakh region
China's current and evolving grey zone activities in the South China Sea, the East China Sea and Ladakh region
Developing an intellectual edge based on empowerment, innovative thinking and strategic acumen is recognised as integral to success in many organis
Ever wondered what the rest of the Air Force does when you are doing your Job.
Laura Pearson proposes an innovative way to break down the knowledge gap and enhance Air Force workforce effectiveness. Get engaged in the conversation
This presentation was a discussion on the growing interest in, and challenges with, Human-Machine Teaming (HMT).
Technology usually follows a certain progression – first the device gets more features before it reduces in size. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) fill this description perfectly, and we have yet to come up with an adequate defence for them.
Pathway to the Stars outlines how ASPC will position itself and commence delivery of the directed mission during the formative years through Initial, and then Final Operating Capability
Professional military education is not just box ticking for promotion—a continuum of air and space power education is required to build professional mastery and maintain professional currency.
April 2021 Air and Space Power Seminar
In late 2020 the Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal M.