Items related to:
Rapid Force Projection - Conference Proceedings
Multiple challenges are coming fast and simultaneously creating a future operational environment of unprecedented complexity. For example:
Where to From Here?: A Roadmap for RAAF-Japan Self-Defence Force Engagement
Despite extremely positive academic and political rhetoric regarding the future of the defence relationship between the Royal Australian Air Force
Retention versus Attrition - Does the RAAF have the correct target in its sight?
The [Air] Power to Coerce - The Role of Air Power in 21st Century Coercive Diplomacy
Air Power Manual and "Lightspeed" Space Power Manual Launched
Chief of Air Force and the other Australian Defence Force Service Chiefs launch the Air Power Manual 7th ed and Space Power eManual
Strategic Air Power Doctrine for Small Air Forces
The essence and purpose of doctrine. It develops strategic air power doctrine through an understanding of the air environment and the characteristics and structure of air power itself
Australian Air Power in Joint Operations
The planning outcomes at the operational level of war comprise the establishment of operational priorities, the identification of targets, and the allocation and apportionment of combat forces.
Why the Air and Space Power Centre?
April 2021 Air and Space Power Seminar